A date that is correct in Yankee and Hiberno-English formats. Facebook has no idea what data is really has Bruce Schneier posts: The hearing amounted to two high-ranking engineers at one of the most powerful and resource-flush engineering outfits in history describing their product as an unknowable machine. The special master at times seemed in […]
Excellently put here by Ryan Broderick: Websites are not similar to telephones. They are not even similar to books or magazines. They are street corners, they are billboards, they are parks, they are shopping malls, they are spaces where people congregate. Just because you cannot see the (hopefully) tens of thousands of other people reading […]
I find these fascinating, there’s true mystery to them yet they’re also very evocative of spy thrillers, cold war stories and the X-Files. In this video, Curious Droid gives a great summary of their purpose and how they’re used (allegedly, of course, although, we’re all pretty certain what they’re for now).