Cycling Transport

Four out of every five shoppers in Dublin City centre arrive by bus/foot/bike

Interesting report on TheJournal that just under one in five shoppers arrive by car in Dublin city centre.

Mode Breakdown

The figures show that less than one if five shoppers heading into Dublin’s main shopping areas Grafton Street and Henry Street arrive by car. Instead a far higher number opt to walk in or to use public transport.
Over a fifth (21%) were shown to walk into town while just under 20% of people were shown to come into town by car.
Overall it was found that public transport passenger, walkers and cyclists account for 80% of all the visitors to the city centre.

I’d have thought it would be more by car, to be honest. Especially given the hand-wringing by businesses about the proposed cycle path along the North Quays, you’d be forgiven for thinking the figures were the other way around.