Cycling Health

Obesity – the ticking time bomb which starts young – BBC News

We’ve created an immobile society, avoiding outdoors play, driving everywhere, and sitting constantly. Inserting an hour of ‘exercise’ or moving time is inadequate.

Doctors and other clinicians are worried about the problems which may be stored up for the future.

Big children, they say, tend to become big adults. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease often follow. There could be serious financial consequences for the NHS.

Dr Colin Michie, of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, is one expert who has serious concerns.

He told us: “With this cohort of enormous children, if not obese children, coming through to adulthood, we are facing an enormous problem for those delivering clinical care.

“We are going to spend a great deal more money in hospitals in future because of this one problem – obesity”.

Source: Obesity – the ticking time bomb which starts young – BBC News