News has broken that twitter might be abandoning it’s rather unique 140-character limit for messages, or at least allowing for longer ‘click for more’ type messages. So what’s the point of that? Competing with Medium? Yes and no, it’s largely an effort to keep people in the garden that they’re building. What’s really changing here, […]
Ello is a new ‘social network’ which claims to be free, while not selling you ads or selling your data to any third party. Laudable goals, indeed. But it costs money to run services like these, and that money has to come from somewhere. Traditionally (if the commercial internet is even old enough for tradition), […]
BBC Research Blows Out the 1% Rule. In the UK at least. It’s now more like a 23/60/17 rule (passive/easy/intense participation), which the BBC dub the ‘Participation Choice’. The reserach considers digital media interaction, from sharing links and photos to writing blogs. It turns out that the old 1% rule, which said that more people will […]