A useful rape analogy | Feminist Philosophers.
This is delightful – “The distractions of social media, 1673 style” by Tom Standage: You know how you can easily lose track of time while checking Twitter and Facebook? And how people worry that social media is distracting people from doing real work (aka “social notworking”)? The same thing happened in the 17th century with […]
This is quite good: via Twitter / glitterylou: Yay! Proud to be from Swansea, well done whoever did this #ukip #ukipbillboards .
Kira Cochrane has a great piece in the Guardian summarizing the issues with gendered toys. Do all girls really want to play with dolls and tea sets? Do all boys want guns and trucks? Of course not. Then why are toymakers so aggressive in marketing these stereotypes? Money, it seems is the answer. A segmented […]