Economy Food for Thought

The Proximate Cause

This (via Reuters): Twitter has $13 billion in debt after the deal and faces interest payments totaling close to $1.2 billion in the next 12 months. The payments exceed Twitter’s most recently disclosed cash flow, which amounted to $1.1 billion as of the end of June. The real question is why load it up with debt […]

Food for Thought Technology Uncategorized

GPT-3 – Great use of statistical computing, tells us nothing about language One good way to move beyond merely filling in the blanks might be to ask whether the models could reliably distinguish truth from fiction. In point of fact, they can’t. Rather, systems like GPT are truth-challenged, known to routinely lose coherence over long passages of text and known to fabricate endlessly. One such variant […]

Covid-19 Pandemic Food for Thought

Experts of the possible

Some public health experts argue it can be done, but the experts in carrying out that kind of thing, the politicians, believe it cannot. Easily forgotten, but that’s a good definition of what a politician is: an expert in what’s possible to do, which may not be what a health expert says we should […]

Food for Thought

Food for Thought

Therapists might disagree about the benefits of a particular aspect of this therapy versus a particular aspect of that therapy. But the core principle of every program — including the one that was used with me […] — is to engage with the kid one-on-one for hours every day, twenty to forty hours per week. […]