
Dispatches: 19th May, 2021

This field probably got tainted by the likes of Erik von Daniken, but I do find it fascinating and have long considered that myths and legends come from something that actually happened. The study of it is called ‘Geomythology’: American volcanologist Dorothy Vitaliano coined the term in a 1967 lecture (basing her ideas on those […]

Voyager 2 in Lego

Dispatches: 10th May, 2021

Ever wanted to know how an internal combustion engine works in detail? Bartosz Ciechanowski has a fascinatingly detailed breakdown of each part, how they all fit together and even how each part interacts with the other parts. Beautifully diagrammed “Unchallenged for decades, the internal combustion engines in cars are slowly being supplanted by their electric […]

Bits & Bobs Europe Humour

Belgium Advances!

Quirky news of the day: A local amateur historian taking a walk in forest near to the Belgian village of Erquelinnes discovered two weeks ago that the stone dating back to 1819 had been moved 2.29 metres (7.5ft). The farmer’s perimeter fence had also been shifted. The Franco-Belgian border, stretching 390 miles (620km), was formally […]