How cool is that, says me, a map nerd.
Ever hear that air-raid klaxon sound on a Friday afternoon? In fact, it is a “test general alarm”, according to Mick Duffy, company quartermaster of Cathal Brugha Barracks. It’s just for the barracks, not for the rest of us. If it were for real, and not just an every-Friday test, it would be a call to […]
Anyone needing to register if they live in Dublin just can’t. Although, outside the Pale, the local Garda station is open! Mad, ted. It’s impossible for the Department of Justice to track how many would-be residents are currently awaiting registration in Dublin, says a spokesperson. “Statistics are not maintained in this manner.” Among them, though, […]
That good news didn’t last – ‘It will be back to car city’ reports the Journal. Minister of State for the OPW, Patrick O’Donovan, said the decision over the gates was made after discussing issues like a growth of traffic in the surrounding areas over the past few weeks. “The volume of traffic built up […]

The iconic Bewley’s is to close again (it’s had a rocky 21st century so far). The current owners point at the high rent among other reasons. In a note to staff, the cafe’s managing director Cól Campbell, a son of Paddy Campbell, outlined the impact of the lockdown on the business and highlighted the added costs […]
Hear, hear: The Green Party has called on Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency to up its game on urban air pollution and improve their monitoring and advice during periods of serious air pollution. The call comes as air quality in Dublin and all other major towns reaches ‘very poor’ levels or ’10 out of 10′ on […]
Taken while heading down to see Roger Moore in the BGE Theatre.
Taken while cycling in to town yesterday, a beautiful Lá Samhna.