“Boundaries” is a project by photographer Allaire Bartel that aims to capture what it feels like to be a woman in an atmosphere of male entitlement. The Pittsburgh-based photographer tells us that the project started last year during a mentoring program that had “boundaries” as the theme. At the time, there was a lot of […]
Jane Bown’s obituary appeared in the Guardian before Christmas. I admit I hadn’t heard of her before, I sadly seem to discover some interesting people only when they’re dead. Like all the great photographers, she had her own style and technique of working, In stark contrast to her mostly male peers, Jane was supremely uninterested […]
I spent a perfect winters day in Marley Park earlier this week with the family. Crisp and clear, it was just right for a walk in the park, a visit to the playground and lunch, when I spotted this peacock against the evening sky.

I’m a photographer. No, let me rephrase that: I would like to be a photographer. In reality I’m merely an obsessive who takes lots of photographs in the hope that some day, just once, he will produce an image that is really, truly memorable. Like the images that Henri Cartier-Bresson captured, apparently effortlessly, in their […]
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can cut like knives. Photographer Rich Johnson has created a series of images that try to visualise the wounds that verbal abuse can leave. Called Weapon of Choice — to represent the abuser’s choice to use these words to harm — this project was a collaboration […]
So, I went and got that Vitoret DR from e-bay. It arrived on Friday, I dug out one of the old films I’ve had lying around (best before 2006), popped it in and in a few weeks I’ll see how that worked out! You see, this is old-school. The Vitoret DR was built between 1967 […]
I’m tempted by this little old-school Voigtlander Vitoret DR German 35mm Cameraon eBay (pear not included according to the seller). There’s something nice about manual photography…