Big Business Society

Tim Bray takes a stand

Tim Bray, now ex-VP in Amazon, quit his job in protest at the treatment of the warehouse workers: Amazon is exceptionally well-managed and has demonstrated great skill at spotting opportunities and building repeatable processes for exploiting them. It has a corresponding lack of vision about the human costs of the relentless growth and accumulation of […]

You Couldn't Make It Up

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“Will some people be affected badly? Yes,” Trump said on Tuesday. “But we have to get our country open, and we have to get it open soon.” Trump spelled out a potentially brutal approach to kickstarting the world’s biggest economy. “We have to be warriors,” Trump told Fox News when asked if Americans should […]

Organisation & Planning Psychology & The Mind


Interesting article about teamwork and personalities, it’s always been important but I think that the current all-remote-working situation in the IT industry has made it all the more essential: But even though teamwork is everywhere, we continue to train people — whether in education or in the workforce — for primarily individual and technical skills. […]


Windows 10 Shutown?

So, today I learned that Windows 10 doesn’t really shutdown when you tell it to. It’s a feature called ‘fastboot’, and apparently what it does is log users off, and then do a hibernate like stop. Which means that your next boot is fast, a neat feature. I noticed this because the uptime reported in […]