Big Business Government

Eircom Saga: Pure Celtic Tiger

“It was a con,” says Paul Sweeney, an economist with the Siptu union. “It appealed to people’s greed … The people owned [Eircom] already. They were being sold their own company. It was sold as a good idea, a safe bet. And it wasn’t. It was pure financialisation, an insider win, outsider loss.

Psychology & The Mind Science!

“the conclusions of the SPE had been written in advance according to non-academic aims”

Why is this interesting? is well worth subscribing to. This edition is, as always, interesting. Several of the classic phycology experiments weren’t as scientific as you’d have hoped. This is part of a much broader story of a “replication crisis” in psychology: The challenge of being completely unable to reproduce the results from some of […]


Dispatches: Friday 06/Aug/21

I picked up a new Moleskine notebook the other day. They make wonderfully tactile notebooks. They just feel right. I also like to start my year in September. In fact, I consider the year to be about three parts. There’s September through Christmas, then after new year to summer, then summer and back around again. […]


Dispatches: 19th May, 2021

This field probably got tainted by the likes of Erik von Daniken, but I do find it fascinating and have long considered that myths and legends come from something that actually happened. The study of it is called ‘Geomythology’: American volcanologist Dorothy Vitaliano coined the term in a 1967 lecture (basing her ideas on those […]

Voyager 2 in Lego

Dispatches: 10th May, 2021

Ever wanted to know how an internal combustion engine works in detail? Bartosz Ciechanowski has a fascinatingly detailed breakdown of each part, how they all fit together and even how each part interacts with the other parts. Beautifully diagrammed “Unchallenged for decades, the internal combustion engines in cars are slowly being supplanted by their electric […]