Way faster. Source: Greenland is melting much faster than scientists expected.
Fascinating idea: Breakthrough Starshot’s spacecrafts, which they call “nanocrafts,” will be gram-scale computer chips that will include “cameras, photon thrusters, power supply, navigation and communication equipment,” Avi Loeb, a Harvard scientist involved in the operation, told reporters. A rocket would deliver a “mother ship” carrying a thousand or so of the nanocrafts into space. Once […]
Good news: As longstanding, longsuffering readers will be aware, for the past year and a bit, I have been arguing that the Primary Online Database (POD) was illegal. Though that argument has not come to a conclusion (and I expect it to be successful) the Department of Education has been forced into a series of […]
There’s no such thing as being ‘offline’ anymore. It’s almost impossible, I’d say, to live any sort of normal life without having your data on some machine somewhere. And if you engage in any way with other people, then you use at least email, and probably some sort of social network. There’s no escape now […]
Fascinating op-ed in the NYT: On a speaking tour in 1917, Ireland’s foremost suffragist, Hanna Sheehy Skeffington, told audiences that “it is the only instance I know of in history when men fighting for freedom voluntarily included women.” The progressive leanings of the Rising’s leaders were evident in the language of the Proclamation of an […]
In the ongoing discussions over the future of Irish Water and forming a government, one thing to remember is that Fianna Fail is now a more rural party. They don’t have as much urban vote to lose: The future of water charges is due to be discussed this week during negotiations between Fianna Fáil, Fine […]
Well, it’s been just over a year, and Terry has yet to re-appear in a Windle Poons manner. I think I have to accept that Death actually collected him, empty lifetimer in one hand, scythe in the other, and brought him off to see the next chapter. His daughter, Rhianna, has a lovely remembrance piece […]
It all started innocently enough. I was 12 years old, living on a farm, and my dad brought home a girl’s bike. I taught myself to ride it. By age 14, I hit the road. I must have biked up and down every rural road in Essex County, Ontario where I grew up. I loved […]