Very much. Cast, soundtrack, storylines, all great so far. It’s all vaguely familiar in some ways, my early childhood was lived through the cold war. I remember the wall coming down, news stories of spy swaps at checkpoint charlie, Regan and Ghorbachev. It’s the little things that make it interesting too: Waitress: “Roundsteak or Rib-eye?” […]
MESSAGE FROM IGGY: “David’s friendship was the light of my life. I never met such a brilliant person. He was the best there is. – Iggy Pop” — Iggy Pop (@IggyPop) January 11, 2016 David Bowie died on 10th January, 2016, or perhaps, he just went home: David Bowie has returned to his home after […]
So, a glitch in a software update to the Nest left users quite literally cold as their nest devices stopped working. Very irritating, and the nine-step, time consuming fix sounds quite awkward to say the least. But there’s more: Making matters worse is the lack of recourse. Buried deep in Nest’s 8,000-word service agreement is […]
They are, in fact, two different things: capitalism is a system of ownership; markets a method of exchange. Although the two have sometimes gone together, this need not be so. Crony capitalism in which a few monopolies or cartels run much of the economy gives us capitalism without markets. And market socialism would give us […]
I started 2015 having made a decision that I didn’t need the car anymore, but felt I needed to prove it. So, 12 months later, I’ve covered approximately 2,170 kilometres by bike to and from work, plus another 600 or so doing all those little trips to the shop, park, doctors and so on. Basically, […]
Newcastle became famous for a day for being the location of a puddle. Streamed live on periscope, it seemed to catch the attention of everyone on what was an otherwise boring January afternoon. I freely admit I joined periscope just for this, as did quite a few others. It kind of ate itself when the […]
Listening to Du Blonde, Motorhead, Honeyblood and The Raveonettes. And some Cardies. Du Blonde is a new one, suggested by some recommendation engine ( amazon this time I think), which seems to be where I pick up all my new bands these days (does word pf mouth work anymore?). This is Beth Jeans Houghton’s new […]
Interesting interview in the IT from a while back with Francis Rossi of the Quo. On life: What keeps you going? Many things. Money is one of them. When I was going to a Catholic school we had a teacher called Mrs O’ Sullivan. She said that when you are older and die, you’ll have […]
News has broken that twitter might be abandoning it’s rather unique 140-character limit for messages, or at least allowing for longer ‘click for more’ type messages. So what’s the point of that? Competing with Medium? Yes and no, it’s largely an effort to keep people in the garden that they’re building. What’s really changing here, […]
Renua launched their manifesto yesterday – “Rewarding Work, Rebuilding Trust”. They’ve got the field to themselves at the moment, trying to steal a march on the established parties with an early launch. One bit jumped out so far, the 23% flat tax proposal, which seems to be a ‘tax cuts for all!’ offering. Ms Creighton […]