Big Business Economy

Capitalism vs Markets

They are, in fact, two different things: capitalism is a system of ownership; markets a method of exchange. Although the two have sometimes gone together, this need not be so. Crony capitalism in which a few monopolies or cartels run much of the economy gives us capitalism without markets. And market socialism would give us […]


Cycling in 2015

I started 2015 having made a decision that I didn’t need the car anymore, but felt I needed to prove it. So, 12 months later, I’ve covered approximately 2,170 kilometres by bike to and from work, plus another 600 or so doing all those little trips to the shop, park, doctors and so on. Basically, […]


A bit fantastic

Renua launched their manifesto yesterday – “Rewarding Work, Rebuilding Trust”. They’ve got the field to themselves at the moment, trying to steal a march on the established parties with an early launch. One bit jumped out so far, the 23% flat tax proposal, which seems to be a ‘tax cuts for all!’ offering. Ms Creighton […]