A useful rape analogy | Feminist Philosophers.
Shatter does it his way, indeed: Alan declared it would be appropriate “to mark the fact that ministerial surveillance, eh, ministerial . . . em, eh, er, whatever it is.” “Severance! Severance!” cried the hacks, in gleeful assistance ‘‘. . . eh, severance, ministerial severance is no longer payable.” Then, scarcely able to contain his […]
Nine Vincent Di Fate illustrations from the “Blueprints of the Future” trading card series.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can cut like knives. Photographer Rich Johnson has created a series of images that try to visualise the wounds that verbal abuse can leave. Called Weapon of Choice — to represent the abuser’s choice to use these words to harm — this project was a collaboration […]
This is delightful – “The distractions of social media, 1673 style” by Tom Standage: You know how you can easily lose track of time while checking Twitter and Facebook? And how people worry that social media is distracting people from doing real work (aka “social notworking”)? The same thing happened in the 17th century with […]
Not a lot, it would seem, says Vincent Browne in the IT: Based on data the authors and others have assembled, Soccernomics claims: “The vast bulk of managers appear to have almost no impact on their teams’ performance and do not last very long in the job. They seem to add so little value that […]
This is quite good: via Twitter / glitterylou: Yay! Proud to be from Swansea, well done whoever did this #ukip #ukipbillboards .
Buzzfeed has a selection of some stunning original concept art drawn by Ralf McQuarrie. It’s really something..