
Define ‘Bread’

The other week, the Supreme Court rejected an argument put forward by Subway that their rolls are bread and are therefore zero rated for VAT purposes. The court ruled that the rolls are not, in fact, bread. As the Guardian reports: The ruling followed an appeal by Bookfinders Ltd, Subway’s Irish franchisee. The company had […]

Journalling Life

Painful Work

Working on something that you don’t quite fully understand, don’t have the time before delivery date to get to understand, yet need to implement as if you understand is really painful. It actually gets me down. It’s painful work. It often arises as a result of being unable to complete some other task that you […]


Brexit Banking

Hmmm: Financial services in the UK can currently trade across the European Economic Area (EEA) because member countries are bound by the same regulatory framework. The arrangement, known as “passporting”, expires at the end of the year and, while the UK has legislated so that EU banks can continue to provide services for customers in […]