While you can’t beat proper infrastructure for cycling, both for safety and enjoyment (it’s no fun wondering if that revving car coming up from behind has seen you or not), knowing how to cycle defensively will help keep you safe. Bikeradar has some tips on staying safe, and some good points on the general safety […]
Lovely little interview in the NPR that explains the story of how the Santa Tracker came to be. Terri remembers her dad had two phones on his desk, including a red one. “Only a four-star general at the Pentagon and my dad had the number,” she says. “This was the ’50s, this was the Cold […]
Tsk.. In 2009 the Department of Transport published Smarter Travel – A New Transport Policy for Ireland 2009 -2020. This policy document includes targets to ensure that by 2020 the total kilometres travelled by the national car fleet does not exceed 2009 levels, and that workplace single-car commuting travel reduces to 45% (from around 65% […]
society: be yourself society: no not like that — no (@tbhjuststop) December 17, 2014
A gravity map of the earth, revealing some interesting high and low gravity areas that give it the look of a spud. Hence, The Potsdam Gravity Potato, via APOD.
From the latest Private Eye. "Political intent, not natural inevitability" pic.twitter.com/IxDcrQPjC1 — Mark Treasure (@AsEasyAsRiding) December 10, 2014 Previously
The BBC are have reported that a South African man is to be deported, as his wife isn’t earning enough. under rules introduced in 2012, British citizens who want to bring a foreign spouse to the UK must earn £18,600 a year and a further £3,800 – a total of £22,400 – if the couple […]
Or why being unbiased isn’t enough. This is a fascinating visual display of how just a little bias can result in a huge disparity, and why being anti-baised is the only way to reverse it: Parable of the Polygons – a playable post on the shape of society.
Ever realised how fucking surreal reading a book actually is? You stare at marked slices of tree for hours on end, hallucinating vividly — Katie Oldham (@KatieOldham) December 9, 2014