Here’s the Brexit cake you ordered, now you’ve got to eat it. At a lunch with EU ambassadors on Wednesday, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is understood to have given a frosty response to the volley of complaints from UK businesses about how difficult it all is, especially the rules […]
Will future generations look at the interior design of the early 21st century in appreciation? Possibly not. We do not appear to have crafted many design classics, unless slab-like corner sofas in mud-grey velvet are Eames chairs in the making. Our feature walls are gaudy; our furniture cheaply made. Scarcely anything seems to be built to […]
How much more is a CEO worth than the rest of the workforce? Luke Hildyard, the director of the High Pay Centre, which campaigns for executive pay restraint, said: “Pay for top CEOs today is about 120 times that of the typical UK worker. Estimates suggest it was around 50 times at the turn of […]
“(on visiting the USSR after Stalin regime installed)All right, I can see the broken eggs. Now where’s this omelette of yours?” ― Panait Istrati
Just saw a program about these two places on C4, the kids would love it. Steam trains and reindeer, up in he Scottish mountains. Looked awesome! Home
Chris Grey notes that the ‘sticking’ points about the neverending saga of the Brexit negotiations is around divergence: It’s also worth noting something about these three sticking points. A key and utterly flawed claim of the Brexiters has been that a trade deal would be easy because the UK was starting from a point of […]