Arts Photography

“I’m a photographer. No, let me rephrase that: I would like to be a photographer.”

I’m a photographer. No, let me rephrase that: I would like to be a photographer. In reality I’m merely an obsessive who takes lots of photographs in the hope that some day, just once, he will produce an image that is really, truly memorable. Like the images that Henri Cartier-Bresson captured, apparently effortlessly, in their […]

Cycling Environment

A dated and flawed approach…

“Even Minister Donohoe appears to be toeing the RSA line of victimising pedestrians rather than suggesting that drivers slow down. He should know better,” said Cuffe. “Instead of victimising children the RSA should also be seeking more low speed zones and pedestrian crossings. According to the RSA’s own research such zones have been successfully implemented in […]