Hear, hear: The Green Party has called on Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency to up its game on urban air pollution and improve their monitoring and advice during periods of serious air pollution. The call comes as air quality in Dublin and all other major towns reaches ‘very poor’ levels or ’10 out of 10′ on […]
If, after four years of printing money, the system isn’t working, what next? This is where another two Kilkenomics guests, Richard Murphy (adviser to Jeremy Corbyn) and Stephanie Kelton (American economic guru for democratic candidate Bernie Sanders), offered some new insights. They both thought that it was only a matter of time before central banks, […]
Jennifer O’Connell says it well in the IT (“Jennifer O’Connell: Being an adult does not mean being stressed and anxious all the time”)when she denounces the high-stress, always-on, anxiety culture which is accepted as the ‘norm’ and even lauded as a goal by some. Stress is a short term thing, it’s not meant to be […]
This certainly seems chilling, “Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest | Media | The Guardian”. While I don’t doubt that policing a riot situation is difficult, this does look like simple bulk arresting based on location. Which sends a chilling message to anyone covering future events – don’t, or you too […]
Eugene A. Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon and Commander for the Apollo 17 mission in 1974, has died. He traveled into space three times: as Pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as Commander of Apollo 17 in December 1972, […]
Curious story of a hermit who lives up Gothic Mountain in the Rockies, alone. A case of the right person in the right place – Billy was a college trained environmental scientist – his notebooks of snow levels, flowering times and animal appearances have become a treasure trove for scientists studying the impact of climate […]
Illuminating roundup of what the Guardian heard at Davos 2017, sample: At Davos you know a speaker is a real draw if they manage to fill both the cavernous conference hall and also the overspill room. That was the case for Chinese president Xi Jinping’s opening address, seen as an attempt by Beijing to seize […]
I find it far, far easier to accumulate than de-clutter. This sounds like it might be an actually useful tip though, especially for clearing out older, mildly sentimental things: Ask yourself of each object: does it spark joy in my heart? This is the central message of Kondo’s creed: the litmus test to whether to […]
Some good news in the last days of the Obama administration, President Obama has commuted the vast bulk of Chelsea Manning’s 35 year sentence and she will be released next May 17th.
Rick Parfitt, the archytypal rocker and Status Quo guitarist, died on the 27th from a sudden infection. IN A WORLD FULL of affectation, Rick Parfitt was a musician who enjoyed his status as a rock star, wearing it with good grace and a broad grin. The partnership he formed with fellow Telecaster-wielding guitarist and frontman […]