I’m in the unusual position of agreeing with Ronan Mullen (“What is to be done about direct provision? – Irish Times”), someone I generally don’t find common ground with. Perhaps best known for his anti-abortion views, Mr Mullen has struck out from the pack with a proposal to radically overhaul direct provision. He is calling […]
Danish consultants who worked on plans for the River Dodder Greenway in Dublin say that people cycling and walking along the river should be kept apart, and the route should become a “bicycle superhighway”. The suggestion of keeping people cycling and walking segregated could be a popular one with those on two-wheels as well as […]
Motorists have ruined England – and they need to pay the price, says Alex Proud in the Telegraph. In general, most of us are pretty happy with letting the markets allocate scarce (in the economic sense) goods by deciding the price for them. We’re broadly happy with how this mechanism works for goods that nobody […]

On my bike that is! I had taken a wire basket with the bike when I bought it as I wanted storage but had no real idea of what would work. After a couple of months, I had a few issues with it: The pull on the steering wheel caused it to flop left/right when left […]

Perhaps it can: Sheri Foster began riding her bike to work every day when she was working as a lifeguard while studying for her undergraduate degree. 20 years later, biking remains an essential part of her day. Foster strongly believes that cycling is responsible for her improved mental wellness. For Foster, making the decision to […]
Latest statistics: Current number of stations: 100 Current number of bikes: 1,500 Long-term members 46,695 Short-term members (YTD) 9,395 Journeys in 2014 1,760,832 Total journeys 7,951,866 Percentage of free journeys 95% Average journey time 20 minutes Journeys on busiest day 13,614 on 4th September 2014 Number of journeys taken after: One year 1,101,877 Two years […]

In Germany, they have a term for silicon valley companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook, the big beasts of the internet that have come to dominate our online lives. They are known as the datenkraken. The word means data octopuses, and it is intended to frighten – in Norse myth, the Kraken was a murderous […]

I’m a photographer. No, let me rephrase that: I would like to be a photographer. In reality I’m merely an obsessive who takes lots of photographs in the hope that some day, just once, he will produce an image that is really, truly memorable. Like the images that Henri Cartier-Bresson captured, apparently effortlessly, in their […]
This is a fascinating letter from a Dr. Meehan to then Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald on the upcoming 8th amendment referendum – Would Savita be alive today if Galway doctor’s advice had been taken 30 years ago?. There is something especially powerful about a prophetic voice speaking from beyond the grave. Amid the large volume of […]
“Even Minister Donohoe appears to be toeing the RSA line of victimising pedestrians rather than suggesting that drivers slow down. He should know better,” said Cuffe. “Instead of victimising children the RSA should also be seeking more low speed zones and pedestrian crossings. According to the RSA’s own research such zones have been successfully implemented in […]