Some quirk for the day – An obsession – brutal, beautiful bus stop design of the former Soviet states on Vimeo.
“You hit a woman!” “I hit a NAZI!” Possibly the best thing to emerge from Australia since Kylie Minogue.

Danny Cooke had an opportunity to explore Chernobyl and Pripyat while working on a CBS documentary earlier this year. Using a go-pro and drone, he posted this video of a land out of time, a ghost of the old Ukranian SSR. Chernobyl is one of the most interesting and dangerous places I’ve been. The nuclear […]
Oh, yes. This could be good. I must admit I got excited at the X-Wings.
Much Bizarre. ESQ: How did you come up with the idea for this? CK: It was one of those shower ideas that I know Andy Kaufman or David Letterman would have—to repeat something until it gets annoying and just keep going until it gets funny again. The idea was for it to be a sitcom […]
The answer surprised me, anyway. Worth a look – London air pollution: which mode of transport has the highest exposure? – video | Environment | The Guardian.