Cynical and sweary, but spot on.
Ah, the Daily Express. Today, the Express is railing against an EU proposal to reduce sexism and the gender divide. “The Daily Express, for a more sexist world!”
Interesting to see the editorial handbrake turns executed by several newspapers in light of the death of two young boys attempting to migrate to Europe with their parents. The Sun and the Daily Mail good examples, and while they both have a certain ideological line to peddle, it’s also interesting to see them respond so […]
Yanis Varoufakis is pulling no punches in the Guardian today. The euro is a hybrid of a fixed exchange-rate regime, like the 1980s ERM, or the 1930s gold standard, and a state currency. The former relies on the fear of expulsion to hold together, while state money involves mechanisms for recycling surpluses between member states […]
Has the EU been captured by the ECB, and is the financial sector, those most serious of people, now costing the EU it’s left-wing, socialist support? Yet the eurozone has become a scene of class war, and only Syriza has been bold enough to fight it almost full on. Even if Mr Tsipras and his […]
The Guardian has a great piece on how Amsterdam became the world’s cycling capital. It wasn’t always bike lanes and bakfiets, but a struggle against the intrusion of the motorcar into space for people. The activists of Stop de Kindermoord and the Cyclists’ Union were resourceful and undaunted, but there were other forces helping to create a […]
Later: Teehee. And more:
Paul Krugman could be on to something when he points out that small country politicians can have an incentive to go along with what the Davos Set (think troika) want, as once you are seen as a good member of the club, there’s no end of interesting jobs in the EU, IMF, etc that you […]
Irish Times: High-level Government officials spoke first thing that morning, after which visiting figures from the commission were called to Merrion Street for an unscheduled meeting at 9am. Quite what transpired remains unclear. By all accounts, however, a severe rebuke was delivered by a high-level Department of Public Expenditure official over the intervention by the […]