Human Rights Jesus Wept Middle East

Something often forgotten: Jesus too was an asylum seeker

mostlysignssomeportents: Across the rich world, this decade has seen the rise of increasingly fierce anti-immigrant sentiment, much of it from self-identified Christians – as you recount the Christmas story this year, remember that Mary and Joseph fled religious persecution and sought asylum in a rich country, which took them in. As Woody Guthrie sang: “If […]

History Human Rights War

Srebrenica, July 1995

This makes for horrifying reading: New research reveals that Britain and the US knew six weeks before massacre that enclave would fall – but they decided to sacrifice it in their efforts for peace “On 2 June, Mladic ordered a “destruction of the Muslim forces in these enclaves”. Voorhoeve insists that western leaders knew of […]

Department of Cruel and Unusual Rules Government Human Rights Reports

Direct Provision: A report recommends…

There’s nothing that can be done without a report drawn up first, and of course, there’s nothing done once it’s written either, it’ll be ‘under consideration’, ‘in committee’, ‘awaiting review’, ‘we don’t have the budget’.. take your pick. Let’s see what happens when this one lands. (I always live in hope that I’m wrong) Weekly […]