society: be yourself society: no not like that — no (@tbhjuststop) December 17, 2014
Ever realised how fucking surreal reading a book actually is? You stare at marked slices of tree for hours on end, hallucinating vividly — Katie Oldham (@KatieOldham) December 9, 2014
I saw a most odd exchange on twitter the other night. I was surprised at some of the statements, and to be frank, I’d thought that perhaps some drink had been taken, as they say. Dr. Grimes, one of the participants, took the time to Storify the exchange. Read on – ” Remember that time […]
Much Bizarre. ESQ: How did you come up with the idea for this? CK: It was one of those shower ideas that I know Andy Kaufman or David Letterman would have—to repeat something until it gets annoying and just keep going until it gets funny again. The idea was for it to be a sitcom […]
Laura Slattery in the IT reports two interesting nuggets from the latest Google Consumer Barometer: When it comes to buying home appliances, the Irish are also notably fonder of a practice known as “reverse showrooming”, where they research a purchase online before heading into a physical shop to have it rung up a till the […]
Via Hat-tip to @James_Hatley.
Two Odessa girls are sitting in a café. One says “Sara, can you believe it? Abraham absolutely refuses to speak Russian.” “Why?” “He’s afraid the Russians will come to Odessa to defend him.” via Russia Is Pregnant with Ukraine by Vladimir Sorokin | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books.

And on, and on it goes. This is a bit of a bike shed issue, even An Taoiseach Enda Kenny is wading in. has learned that Enda Kenny has asked the Chief Executive of the Labour Relations Commission, Kieran Mulvey to arrange a meeting between City Manager Owen Keegan and Lord Mayor Christy Burke. […]

Phil Plait over on Bad Astronomer has a lovely selection of the best pictures from Cassini’s 10 years at Saturn. By far my favourite is the, well, frankly bizarre moon Hyperion. It looks like a well-used oasis sponge. It also has a chaotic rotation, and is the only moon in the system that isn’t tidally […]