Irish Times: High-level Government officials spoke first thing that morning, after which visiting figures from the commission were called to Merrion Street for an unscheduled meeting at 9am. Quite what transpired remains unclear. By all accounts, however, a severe rebuke was delivered by a high-level Department of Public Expenditure official over the intervention by the […] The council added: “The location with the highest percentage of cyclists in 2013 was Dame Street / Georges Street where cyclists made up 27.0% of all traffic. This location has had the highest percentage of cyclists in every year from 2007 to 2014.” Overall, the percentage of cyclists increased from 7.9 % in 2013 […]
Nobody is just one dimension, just one thing. A man who was homeless died on the streets of Dublin, just a few hundred metres from the Dail. Luke Murphy knew him well when they were younger, “Jonathan Corrie was one of my best friends when I was a boy“: Don’t scorn him for having chosen […]

List of women dying in Ireland’s maternity hospitals continues to grow. Tania McCabe, Bimbo Onanuga, Dhara Kivlehan, Savita Halappanavar, Jennifer Crean and now Sally Rowlette – the list of women who have died in or after childbirth in controversial circumstances in Irish maternity hospitals continues to lengthen. […] Ms Halappanavar might never have died if […]

Danny Cooke had an opportunity to explore Chernobyl and Pripyat while working on a CBS documentary earlier this year. Using a go-pro and drone, he posted this video of a land out of time, a ghost of the old Ukranian SSR. Chernobyl is one of the most interesting and dangerous places I’ve been. The nuclear […]
Oh, yes. This could be good. I must admit I got excited at the X-Wings.
In an effort to avoid another outburst á la Irish Water, the Government has been heeding calls to review how the local property tax is calculated. Currently, it is based on the market value of the house as of 2012, and this level is frozen until 2016. The problem is that property prices in Dublin […]
Some good news, for a change: The press — and humans in general — have a strong negativity bias. Bad economic news gets more coverage than good news. Negative experiences affect people more, and for longer, than positive ones. So it’s natural for things like Russia’s incursion into Ukraine or the rise of ISIS or […]
Padraig Reidy over at Index on Censorship wonders when people will stop blaming the tool (e.g. facebook) as opposed to the behaviour (e.g. terror planning, crime). Will this ever end? Hopefully. As time goes on, the distinction between the internet and THE INTERNET will become clearer. THE INTERNET is a culture; the place where the […]