
Good News

For ex-smokers. A limited study has shown some evidence that your lungs can replace smoking-damaged cells over time. The study’s joint senior author, Peter Campbell of the UK-based Wellcome Sanger Institute, said the results should give new hope to smokers who want to quit. “People who have smoked heavily for 30, 40 or more years […]

Cycling Health

Sitting all day is deadly

Office workers must exercise for an hour a day to counter death risk, says a Lancet study: Research on more than one million adults found that sitting for at least eight hours a day could increase the risk of premature death by up to 60 per cent. Scientists said sedentary lifestyles were now posing as […]


Blood Types

Fascinating long read in the BI: Why do 40% of Caucasians have type A blood, while only 27% of Asians do? Where do different blood types come from, and what do they do?To get some answers, I went to the experts – to haematologists, geneticists, evolutionary biologists, virologists and nutrition scientists.In 1900 the Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner […]