Government Health

Choice illusions

we are sentient beings capable of choice, and that this is highly valued, but choices are made in context. If the context is a community with no fruit and vegetable shops, but a string of fast-food outlets along the high street, then people choose between one form of unhealthy food and another. If junk food […]


Beneficial Effects

Some good news: Stillbirths have dropped by almost 8% in England since the smoking ban was introduced, research has shown.The number of babies dying shortly after birth has also dropped by almost 8%, according to the study. A team led by Edinburgh University looked at information on more than 10 million births in England between […]

Health Mood

Surviving the open plan office

Five great tips to help introverts survive in an open plan office: Well worth trying a few, open plan offices are basically hellish for introverts. All that activity and half heard conversations are basically draining your ‘social’ reserves. Oh, for an office!