It takes some inner strength to battle against both social pressure not to cycle due to your sex and against a cycle-unfriendly environment: Yasmine Mahmoud cuts a defiant figure as she weaves her bicycle through the chaotic streets of Cairo, a place where few women dare to pedal. Every day, like for the past four […]
Curious: Icelanders will soon be able to publicly worship at a shrine to Thor, Odin and Frigg with construction starting this month on the island’s first major temple to the Norse gods since the Viking age. Worship of the gods in Scandinavia gave way to Christianity around 1,000 years ago but a modern version of […]
So-called professional drivers, who drive for a living, are, on a day to day basis, essentially held to the same standards as every casual car driver on the road. The People’s Cycling Front of South Gloucestershire asks if they should be held to a higher standard? In other words, “Why are the fucking safety standards […]
So, in the UK I see that the police are stopping Evesham cyclists to warn against dark clothing (via and handing out the old hi-viz. “In 2009, cycling charity CTC was critical of Hampshire Constabulary for stopping riders who were wearing dark clothing. A CTC spokesman said at that time: “It’s curious the police […]
TENI launched a video on legal gender recognition yesterday to correspond with the introduction of the Gender Recognition Bill into the Seanad. Trans people need to be at the centre of this debate, and trans voices need to be heard. Positive visibility is at the core of what TENI does. We know that by telling […]
“It was early morning when the German police stormed the house of Andrej Holm and his family. Armed police searched the home for 15 hours and Holm spent three weeks in pre-trial detention. Andrej Holm is an urban sociologist. His crime? Well, he committed no crime, or no more than the rest of us. He […]
The notion that 100 percent of traffic deaths are preventable is difficult for many of us (including me) to embrace. But as our local safety advocates kick off a campaign to make the concept state and local policy, this simple four-minute video by the state-funded Zero Fatalities Nevada is a powerful lesson for how to […]
Jane Bown’s obituary appeared in the Guardian before Christmas. I admit I hadn’t heard of her before, I sadly seem to discover some interesting people only when they’re dead. Like all the great photographers, she had her own style and technique of working, In stark contrast to her mostly male peers, Jane was supremely uninterested […]
‘Wise mad man gives you the best life advice you will ever get’. […] perhaps he’s full of truth because he is not really crazy (or maybe it’s because he’s the right kind of crazy.) His name is Matthew Silver, a clown and street performer who thinks that playing the role of a raving lunatic […]

Wired had a review a while back about Velvet by Ed Brubaker, which looks worth getting. In the opening issue of the comic book Velvet, the secretary to the director of an elite British spy agency decides to go digging into the mysterious death of a secret agent. This, she learns, is a mistake, and […]