A poignant message from a mother who lost her daughter to an accidental drug overdose. She’s now campaigning to raise funds for , an organisation seeking to regulate drugs, and views the ‘Ward on drugs’ to be a dismal failure.
Bill Murray strikes me as someone who is very comfortable with himself. In as much as anyone can, he seems to do things his way. The world is richer for it. Theodore Melfi, the writer and director of St. Vincent, says while the movie was shooting in New York, Murray gave the production back the […]
Much Bizarre. ESQ: How did you come up with the idea for this? CK: It was one of those shower ideas that I know Andy Kaufman or David Letterman would have—to repeat something until it gets annoying and just keep going until it gets funny again. The idea was for it to be a sitcom […]
Oh, fantastic – ‘Delivery firms refuse to use new postcode system’. The introduction of Ireland’s new postcode service will be as problematic as Irish Water, some of the country’s biggest transport delivery firms confirmed. The Freight Transport Association of Ireland said the planned new Eircode service would be “useless” to its members. […] The randomly-generated […]
Global greenhouse gas emissions will need to fall to zero by the end of this century if the world is to avoid the most devastating impacts of climate change, according to the UN’s leading scientists. In its latest report, released today in Copenhagen, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also calls for the unrestricted […]

I wonder if the strategy is “Victory through Confusion” (“Water cap for families may be set at €300“): The main elements of the plan are understood to comprise the extension of a fixed charge for a number of years; addressing the issue of families with dependent adult children living at home; clarifying issues to do […]

One of secrets of Bernie Ecclestone's success responding to crises like he's just walked into the room, rather than running F1 for 30 years — Paul Kelso (@pkelso) November 3, 2014 In a nutshell.
Jaime Moore decided on a different take for a photo set she took recently of her daughter. When looking for dress-up ideas, she found that no matter where I looked, 95% of the “ideas” were the “How to’s” of dressing your little girl like a Disney Princess. […] My daughter wasn’t born into royalty, but […]
Robert Lustig eviscerates the UK government over it’s stance on immigrants running the gauntlet of the Med to get to Europe, viz: The immigration minister, James Brokenshire, had the brass neck to stand in the House of Commons and argue, apparently in all seriousness, that the Italian rescue operation in the Mediterranean has had the […]
This is significant: The Facebook onion address (accessible only in Tor-enabled browsers) connects users to Facebook’s Core WWW Infrastructure, so as to provide end-to-end communication, directly from the browser into a Facebook datacentre, allowing for private and secure browsing sessions. An SSL certificate issued by Facebook to visitors confirms to them that they’re indeed accessing […]